Time is Partial, or: why do distributed consistency models and weak memory models look so similar, anyway?
by Sohum Banerjea ⋅ edited by Aldrin Montana and Lindsey Kuper
There’s only one hard problem in computer science: recognising that cache invalidation errors are misnamed. They’re just off-by-one errors in the time domain.
– Unknown
Time is weird.
Time is weird, because we really, really want to pretend it’s totally ordered. Everything at 3pm happens (we’d like to say) before everything at 4pm, no exceptions, arguments, or compromises.
But there are so many cases in computer science where we have to loosen this requirement. This shows up in processors, in compilers, in nodes on the network—again and again in computing, at various levels of the stack, we find ourselves in situations where we look at two events and don’t know what order they happened in. Time is no longer total; it’s a partial order.
Why? The reason we don’t know is because the abstraction layer below us doesn’t say. Whether deliberately or not, our computing abstractions often refuse to give us guarantees about order. The freedom to reorder events often enables much higher performance, or availability.
A processor may have a memory-ordering model; this captures what guarantees your CPU doesn’t want to give you, when executing assembly, as to which instruction happened before which other instruction. It uses this freedom to pipeline instructions and execute them out of order, so it can use its silicon more efficiently than I would know how to.
A language may have a memory consistency model (“memory model” for short); this captures what guarantees that language doesn’t want to give you, while generating assembly, as to ordering instructions across multiple threads. The reorderings inherent in the hardware memory model are a large part of why the compiler provides this weak notion of time. This language-level memory model is what you code to when writing lock-free systems code.
A prominent example of a language-level memory model is the C++11 weak and strong memory models. By default, C++ provides atomic operations with synchronisation; but provides the ability to weaken memory accesses for higher performance. The behaviour it provides is intended to be an abstraction over the major processor architectures today (x86, POWER, and ARM).
Finally, a distributed system may have a consistency model; this captures what guarantees your system doesn’t want to give you as to the ordering of events across clients and replicas in a wide-area network. The reorderings inherent in communication lags and the presence or absence of synchronisation are a large part of why a distributed system is forced to provide you this weak notion of time. This consistency model is what you code to when writing a distributed application.
In practice, there’s a vast zoo of consistency models you could be using when writing a distributed system. In all these cases, these models describe the (desired) observable behaviour of the system, from outside the system. If I, a single client, or a single thread, write to a value, then immediately read from it, am I guaranteed to see a write at least as new as mine? If time weren’t partial, if we always had a clear idea about the ordering of operations in our systems, the answer to this question would be yes, of course. It’d be weird to even ask.
But time is partial, and so we have to ask.
Consistency Models – I Mean, Memory Models
Reasoning about this partial ordering is often difficult and always annoying. At all layers of the stack, we’ve always wanted to pretend time is total—whether it’s ACID or atomic operations/locks, coding to stronger guarantees is, well, easier!
But we all need speed. Whether we’re talking about distributed systems that sacrifice strong consistency to gain availability, or lock-free programming under weak memory to avoid the synchronisation penalty, programmers at every layer of the stack have found it useful to do this difficult reasoning.
Shared-memory consistency models and distributed-memory consistency models are both abstract models: they describe the interface of the system to the programmer using it. They describe what sorts of weaker behaviours we can rely on from time, now that the default total ordering properties we tend to assume no longer apply. It would seem that the two kinds of memory models are analogous, and yet, each community has developed its own language for discussing them, with different-but-overlapping meanings.
You can see how this would get confusing. What can we do about it?
Describing Time With Anywhere Between Two And Eight Partial Orders
In his 2014 book, Sebastian Burckhardt attempts to comprehensively characterise the behaviour of the many kinds of consistency models. This characterisation involves, among other mathematical structures, two logical orderings of events, “visibility” and “arbitration”—which also appeared previously in Burckhardt and his co-authors’ 2014 POPL paper on specifying and verifying replicated data types.
“Visibility” is a partial order of potential causality; it tracks what events (possibly on other replicas) are visible to what other events. It isn’t constrained, beyond needing to be acyclic; events on one object can be visible to events on another object, and whether the event is a read or write doesn’t determine whether it’s visible to other events or not.
“Arbitration” is a total order that tracks how the distributed system, when asked to make a choice, will adjudicate which event happened before which other event.
Since distributed consistency models are analogous to memory models, it turns out these notions of visibility and arbitration are also useful for discussing and reasoning about memory models. In particular, in appendix D.4 of their POPL ‘14 paper, Burckhardt et al. show how the C++11 weak memory model is “very close” to per-object causal consistency, with some interesting deviations. This is what we’ll be diving into for the rest of this post.
The first step is to specialise visibility and arbitration into “reads-from” and “modification order”. “Reads-from” no longer tracks visibility between anything but writes to reads on the same object, and only ever allows a read to have visibility of exactly zero or one writes.
This corresponds to the fact that there’s only ever a single actual memory cell being written to in a shared-memory processor, for any given object, even if threads may access it at different points in causality. (In a distributed system, on the other hand, a logical object can be written to at many separate replicas.)
“Modification order” takes the same step in specialising arbitration, by being per-object and only ordering writes. This is, again, a specialisation borne of the fact that the weak memory specification only makes strong guarantees per-object.
The next step is to consider the consistency axioms that Burckhardt et al. define, and see how they apply to the weak memory model. They define these axioms in the context of distributed systems first, so they need specialisation for the shared memory case. Note that even though they’re named “axioms”, they are properties that different consistency models may or may not provide—the paper focuses on the properties that define cross-object causal consistency.
For any particular event, there cannot be infinitely many events that do not have visibility of it. That is, every event is eventually visible to “the system”.
This needs to be somewhat more complicated to make sense under weak memory: you have to state that any particular write cannot have infinitely many reads that don’t read from it or read from an earlier write (by modification order).
The C++11 specification does not guarantee this axiom, though practically it’s difficult to find a counterexample.
When you trace “potential causality” across thread/client operations and visibility/reads-from, you cannot go back in time. This is defined by requiring the closure of thread orderings with reads-from to be acyclic. We can typically rely on this property holding in distributed systems, but it would prohibit certain kinds of speculative execution from being visible to the user in weak memory systems.
Burckhardt et al. point out that the C++11 specification “does not validate” this axiom, and it’s unclear whether the resulting “satisfaction cycles” are observable in practice.
Causality Axioms
To pin down what causality actually refers to under weak memory, we need to precisely define what events can impact the results from what other events. This starts by staring at our standard causality axioms: the session guarantees. These are four related properties that capture coherence properties of reads and writes across different threads, and we need to specialise them to the per-object case (see Figure 23 of Burckhardt et al.).
- RYW (Read Your Writes): A read that follows a write, to the same cell, within the same thread/replica/session, must read data that is at least as new as the write. The distributed systems version of this property is specified entirely in terms of visibility, whereas the weak memory version has to appeal to both reads-from and modification order.
- MR (Monotonic Reads): Subsequent reads (within the same thread, to the same cell) must continue to see data that is at least as new.
- WFR (Writes Follow Reads): If a write follows a read within a thread, to the same cell, then it has to be later in modification order than the write that read read-from.
- MW (Monotonic Writes): Later writes (within a thread, to the same cell) have to be later in modification order.
The original versions of WFR and MW have two variants, for arbitration and visibility; but this only matters for more complex data cells than integer registers.
These properties capture common-sense notions of causality; it’s what they leave out that’s interesting. In particular, under the weak memory analysis, these definitions of causality are scoped to be within a thread/replica/session and a particular cell/object being written to; the Burckhardt et al. paper calls them “per-object causal visibility” and “per-object causal arbitration”, again in Figure 23. They do not at all restrict the behaviour of the system when separate threads are writing to separate cells.
The cross-object causality axioms then capture the impact of causal influence across different objects/memory cells.
- COCV (Cross-Object Causal Visibility): This is RYW, without the restriction that the final read has to be in the same thread/replica/session. Reads from an object that are causally later than a write to that object, via visibility/reads-from or thread order, must read data that is at least as new as the write.
The C++11 specification captures these properties. Note that they have been defined such that the restriction of visibility to reads-from and arbitration to modification order don’t affect their definitions much.
That is not true for the last property.
- COCA (Cross-Object Causal Arbitration): This is Monotonic Writes, but across different threads, in the same way as COCV is RYW across different threads. However, since modification order only orders writes per object, the weak memory version allows the system to inconsistently order writes to different objects across reads-from and within-thread order.
Concretely, COCA being a much weaker property under weak memory is why this classic weak
memory case can return {x ≡ 0, y ≡ 0}
Thread A: y := 0; x := 1; return x
Thread B: x := 0; y := 1; return y
The thread order within each thread is allowed to be inconsistent with the per-object
ordering and modification order. Note that by RYW, it cannot be the case that x := 0 → x
:= 1
in modification order, and similarly for y
, and so modification order must
contain x := 1 → x := 0
and y := 1 → y := 0
. Thus, modification order clearly forms a
cycle with thread order.
This cycle is allowed by weak-memory COCA. It’s not that thread order/reads-from contradict modification order; each thread sees a coherent history of writes. It’s just that those histories only agree with other threads’ histories when you scope them per-object.
What Does This All Mean?
Time is partial.
Even though time naturally feels like a total order, studying distributed systems or weak memory exposes you, head on, to how it isn’t. And that’s precisely because these are both cases where our standard over-approximation of time being total limits performance—which we obviously can’t have.
Then, after we accept that time is partial, there are many small but important distinctions between the various ways it can be partial. Even these two fields, which look so much alike at first glance, have careful, subtle differences in what kinds of events they treat as impacting each other. We needed to dig into the technical definitions of various properties, after someone else has already done the work of translating one field into another’s language already.
Time is partial. Maybe it’s time we got used to it.